Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Assoc. Prof. DrSicongMaShanghai Institute of Organic chemistryChinaBest Researcher Award
DrSouravDeEminent College of Pharmaceutical TechnologyIndiaYoung Scientist Award
DrSu Jung (published as Soo-Jeung)ParkUniversity of Virginia School of MedicineSouth Korea
DrSudhaTamil Nadu Agricultural UniversityIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrSUNDARAMAHALINGAMM AV. S. B. Engineering College, KarurIndiaYoung Scientist Award
Assoc. Prof. DrSungwooMoonNazarbayev UniversityKazakhstanBest Researcher Award
MrSwaseDominic TerkimbiKampala International University Western CampusUgandaBest Researcher Award
ProfTaoYangUniversity of Science and Technology BeijingChinaBest Researcher Award
MrTeferiDamtoOromia Agriculture Research InstituteEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
Prof. DrTheodorosEleftheriadisFaculty of Medicine, University of ThessalyGreeceBest Researcher Award
MsThi SinhVoSungkyunkwan UniversitySouth KoreaMaterial Chemistry Award
DrThulyaChakkumpulakkal Puthan VeettilNutrition CareAustraliaWomen Researcher Award
Prof. DrTianchaoNiuBeihang UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrTianjieQiuPeking UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrTubaÇayır TaşdemirciErzincan Binali Yıldırım UniversityTurkeyBest Researcher Award
DrUgrabadiSahooMadanapalle Institute of Technology and ScienceIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrUmarFarooqZhejiang University ChinaChinaBest Researcher Award
DrVaishaliSahuThe NorthCap UniversityIndiaWomen Researcher Award
Assist. Prof. DrValiAlizadehUniversity of GarmsarIranBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners