Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
DrRuijuanQuNanjing UniversityChina
DrSu Jung (published as Soo-Jeung)ParkUniversity of Virginia School of MedicineSouth Korea
Assoc. Prof. DrAzadehHamediShiraz University of Medical SciencesIranAnalytical Chemistry Award
Assoc. Prof. DrguopingzhongSun Yat-sen UniversityChinaAnalytical Chemistry Award
Assoc. Prof. DrJunDangNorthwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of SciencesChinaAnalytical Chemistry Award
DrAshokKumar SKVellore Institute of TechnologyIndiaAnalytical Chemistry Award
Assist. Prof. DrAhmed M.SenanAl-Mahweet UniversityYemenAnalytical Chemistry Award
DrAhmed HassanBakheitKSUSaudi ArabiaAnalytical Chemistry Award
ProfFerydoonKhamooshiDepartment of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, University of ZabolIranAnalytical Chemistry Award
ProfXiao-BingLuDalian University of TechnologyChinaAnalytical Chemistry Award
MrMd AhasanAhamedBangladesh University of TextilesBangladeshAnalytical Chemistry Award
DrPremnathKumarChulalongkorn UniversityThailandBest Researcher Award
MrEdmundAgyemangUniversity of Texas Rio Grande ValleyUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrMoizQureshiQuaid-i-Azam UNiversity IslamabadPakistanBest Researcher Award
DrSaeromParkKorea Institute of Civil engineering building TechnologySouth KoreaBest Researcher Award
DrMartínFernández BaldoCONICET/Universidad Nacional de San LuisArgentinaBest Researcher Award
DrMohammadAlhurUniversity of JordanJordanBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrS KTyagiIndian Institute of Technology DelhiIndiaBest Researcher Award
MrAbdulmajeedAlezzyUniversity of MysoreIndiaBest Researcher Award
MrSajadAhmadNIT SrinagrIndiaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
Award Winners