Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Selected for
Prof. DrJoão GomesOliveira NetoUFMABest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrJunDangNorthwest Institute of Plateau Biology, Chinese Academy of SciencesAnalytical Chemistry Award
Assist. Prof. DrJun-WonSeoDivision of Infectious Disease, Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, Chosun UniversityBest Researcher Award
DrkalpanapandeyKOREATECHBest Researcher Award
MsKangWangTianjin UniversityBest Researcher Award
MrKedir DerbieMekonnenWollo UniversityBest Researcher Award
DrKeshavananda PrabhuC PGachon UniversityBest Researcher Award
DrKwang HoeKimCellkey Inc.Best Researcher Award
Prof. DrKwangnakKohPusan national University/Institute of Liberal EducationBest Researcher Award
ProfLiujunPeiShanghai University of Engineering ScienceGreen Chemistry Award
DrMartínFernández BaldoCONICET/Universidad Nacional de San LuisBest Researcher Award
DrMartinGilarWaters CorporationBest Researcher Award
DrMiriParkKorea Food Research InstituteBest Researcher Award
DrMohammadAlhurUniversity of JordanBest Researcher Award
Assoc Prof DrMohammadMahmoodi SourestaniShahid Chamran University of AhvazBest Researcher Award
MrMohammad rezaMousavi KhademiHormozgan Electricity Distribution CompanyBest Researcher Award
DrMoizQureshiQuaid-i-Azam UNiversity IslamabadBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMollaTeferaUniversity of GondarBest Researcher Award
MrMuhammadWaleedNFC-IEFR, Faisalabad, PakistanBest Researcher Award
Assoc. Prof. DrMusaTurkmenHatay Mustafa Kemal UniversityBiochemistry Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Selected for
Award Winners